Frequently Asked Questions

Here, you’ll find answers to some common questions about our cosmetic tattooing and permanent makeup procedures. We’ve covered topics from the safety of permanent makeup to the ins and outs of specific procedures like tattooed freckles and lip blushing. We also touch upon the process, potential side effects, aftercare, and much more.

We’ve done our best to anticipate your questions, but if we’ve missed anything or if you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at (970) 467-9040. We’re here to ease any concerns and ensure you’re fully informed about our services.

Common Questions

Permanent makeup is a cosmetic technique that tattoos designs that resemble makeup, such as eyeliner and other enhancing colors to the skin of the face, lips, and eyelids.

Yes, when performed by a trained professional. However, it’s not suitable for everyone and can have some risks, like any cosmetic procedure.

It’s permanent but may require touch-ups over time.

Some discomfort can be expected as needles are used, but a topical anesthetic can be applied to minimize pain.

Absolutely. Your technician will work with you to choose the color and shape that best suits your features and desires.

Procedures generally take between 1-3 hours, depending on the service.

Healing usually takes 7-10 days and involves some swelling and redness. Aftercare instructions will be provided after your procedure.

Potential side effects include swelling, redness, and sometimes minor bruising. Infections are rare but can also occur if improper aftercare is done.

While it’s designed to be permanent, cosmetic tattooed makeup can be removed professionally. However, the process can be difficult and expensive.

Tattooed freckles are a semi-permanent cosmetic procedure where pigment is tattooed onto the face to mimic the appearance of natural freckles.

A touch-up appointment is scheduled 4-8 weeks after your initial procedure to refine and perfect the results.

Lip blushing is a type of semi-permanent makeup that enhances the natural color and shape of your lips.

Ideal candidates are people who desire a soft, natural enhancement to their appearance with minimal daily effort.

Yes. They usually involve keeping the area clean, avoiding certain activities, and applying specific products to aid in healing.

Yes, it’s generally recommended to avoid alcohol, caffeine, and certain medications before your appointment. Your technician will give you detailed instructions before your session.